accept Jesus as Your Savior

If you have decided to accept Jesus as your savior today, I encourage you to Watch the Video. The video will explain how to accept Christ as your savior. I will walk with you through a sinner's prayer where you will acknowledge that you are a sinner and, by faith, invite Jesus to come into your life and be your Lord and savior. I will also give you some next steps in your walk with Jesus. 


Transcript from the above video:

If you are ready to accept Jesus as your savior then I want to ask you to allow me to lead you in a prayer where you will acknowledge your decision to accept Christ and ask Jesus to come into your life. Remember accepting Jesus is a decision you make with in your heart and confess with your mouth.

Romans 10:9-10 in the Bible tells us that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart you believe unto righteousness; and with your mouth confession is made unto salvation. The scriptures say, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Are you ready to accept Jesus as you savior? OK, let’s pray together and I want you to speak your words directly to Jesus from your heart. Repeat after me, out loud:

Dear Jesus... I come before you this day... to acknowledge that I am a sinner... I come before you this day... to accept you as my Lord and savior... I will turn from my sin... and turn toward you this day... Jesus I invite you to come into my life this day... I believe you are the Son of God... who came and walked this earth in the flesh... and you lived a sinless life... and you died on the cross... so I might live through you... I believe in my heart... that God raised you from the dead... Lord Jesus... come into my life this day... and teach me to be your follower... for the rest of my days... Thank you Jesus... for dying for me... and giving me eternal life... Amen.

Congratulations friend, if you just prayed that prayer from your heart, according to the Bible you are saved. As a new follower of Jesus there are a few things you will need to do. Grab a pen and paper and write these things down:

First, if you don't have a Bible, get one. I recommend the King James version of the Bible. If you don't have access to a Bible, there is a full copy of the King James Bible on If you have never read the Bible before I recommend you start reading in the book of John. The book of John tells the story of Jesus. Then read the other Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Then read the rest of the New Testament, then read the Old Testament.

Second, develop a prayer life. Talk to God often and let Him know what's on your heart. Talk to him just like you would anyone else that you love. The Bible says in Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Prayer is a wonderful place to grow in your faith and grow in your relationship with God.

Third, find a local church and get involved. Find a church that teaches from the Bible. Pray and ask God to send you to the church where he wants you, and believe that he will do it. Remember God loves you and the Bible says the church is the bride of Christ.

Lastly, go forth and be baptized. Full immersion Baptism is commanded by Jesus. Jesus Himself was baptized, though he didn't need to be, Jesus was baptized to show us what he wanted us, as followers of him, to also do.

Baptism allows you to publicly confess before others your inward heart decision to be a follower of Jesus. Baptism also symbolizes the death and burial of your old sinful self when you go under the water. When the believer comes up out of the watery grave of baptism, he or she rises to newness of life united with Christ Jesus.

Thanks for watching, and congratulations again on becoming a follower of Jesus this day. Go and tell someone about your decision to follow Christ, and may the Lord Jesus bless you and keep you.